April 11-13, 2025
Vancouver, Canada
Eight disc-framed & Four-square fixed-step push-hands
Bapan Jiazi Sizheng Dingbu Tuishou 八盤架子四正定步推手
with Sam Masich
The 'eight disc-framed fixed-step push-hands' (bapan jiazi) or 'one-to-eight' are the foundation exercises for traditional Yang-style Taijiquan push-hands. Like a good coach, the 1-8 lead students progressively, step-by-step, into comprehension and skillfulness.
As well as introducing and training students in taijiquan's 'theory of energy,' one of the important roles of the 1-8 as a part of traditional curriculum is as a preparation for the study of 'four-hands' (sizheng tuishou)
This class can be attended by beginning and advanced students alike!
Times: 10am to 5pm daily (1-3pm break)
Cost: $300 CDN (or $125 per single day) eTransfer to Sam at sammasicharts@gmail.com
Location: South End of Trout Lake in John Hendry Park (Outdoors)
Contact: Michael Blackburn +1 (778) 228-3500 email
FaceBook Event:
You can learn more about Sam's work and read his articles on SubStack
Or order Foundations of Traditional Taijiquan: Core Concepts and Full Curriculum