June 26-28 (Fri-Mon)
Hannover, Germany
Taijidao • Sabre Solo & Partner Practice
The taiji sabre (dao) is an important part of the taiji curriculum. Studying the sabre helps the taijiquan practitioner in many ways; it improves balance and coordination, heightens one's sense of martial awareness, and introduces the medium-length weapons. All aspects of taijiquan, including the taijidao, are based on the thirteen-powers theory. In this class, we will learn the basics of sabre handling, stance, and partner interaction while exploring this time-honoured theory. Please bring a wooden or metal sabre.
Friday evening
Chansigong in the 5 Section Taijiquan Solo Yang
On the Friday evening, an extra session will take place focusing on the application of 'silk-twining practice' (chansigong) in the context of the 5 Section Taijiquan Solo Yang Form. This class will open your eyes to taijiquan as an internal practice.
Times: Sabre workshop days 10:00-17:30. Friday evening 19:00-21:30
Cost: (Full Four-day Seminar €285. Friday evening only €60. Single day €75)
Location: Sylvies Dance Studio (Karl-Kellner-Str. 105 F, Langenhagen 30853)
Contact: Oliver Rust o.rust@mail.de