Masich Internal Arts PRESS
Master Sam Masich has inspired thousands of students along their path with his unique interpretation of the Chinese internal martial arts. Masich Internal Arts PRESS is dedicated to publishing materials related to the Masich Internal Arts Method and connected subjects.
Stay tuned for future reference books and other materials.
Sam Masich Internal Arts on Substack
Master Sam Masich has inspired thousands of students along their path with his unique interpretation of the Chinese internal martial arts. If you value the insights of one of today’s most progressive-yet-traditional transmitters of taijiquan, you’ll want to stay up-to-date with Sam Masich Internal Arts on Substack.

Now Available for PREORDER
Foundations of Traditional Taijiquan
Core Concepts and Full Curriculum
传统太極拳基础論 精髓與全法
Essays on Taijiquan by Sam Masich
Testimonials for 'Foundations'
After forty years of study, Sam Masich has achieved what I consider to be a substantial and impressive level of depth and understanding in taijiquan. Now, it is his turn to share what he has discovered through his personal experiences over the past few decades. I sincerely believe Foundations of Traditional Taijiquan will become a guide for practitioners of all internal styles.
—Yang Jwing Ming, Ph.D., author of Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Volume One: Tai Chi Theory and Tai Chi Jing and Advanced Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan Volume Two: Martial Applications.
This momentous book, based on four decades of study, practice, and teaching, gives us a masterly presentation of the core concepts of Yang-style Taijiquan and a lucid exposition of the importance of a full-curriculum approach to studying the art. For the practitioner, Foundations of Traditional Taijiquan contains a storehouse of valuable information for deepening one’s practice and understanding; for the scholar, it offers insights into the philosophical ideas that enliven the art; for the historian, it represents a significant step in taijiquan’s journey from China to the rest of the world. This landmark book testifies to the enduring vitality of taijiquan as a self-cultivation practice for the twenty-first century and beyond.
—Evan Thompson, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, University of British Columbia, author of Waking, Dreaming, Being, Mind in Life and Why I Am Not a Buddhist.
A hybrid of encyclopedic dictionary, textbook, and martial arts memoir, Foundations of Traditional Taijiquan could be the one-stop reference and teaching tool that teachers and students of taijiquan have been waiting for.
—Douglas Wile, Ph.D., Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, Brooklyn College, author of Lost T’ai-chi Classics of the Late Ch’ing Dynasty.
Sam Masich is an unusually talented writer—concise and expansive at the same time! In a marketplace dominated by cramped and incomplete books on ‘how to do’ taijiquan, this one offers readers the space to consider how they think about the art. Students and teachers of taijiquan are in for a treat.
—Daniel Mroz, Ph.D., Professor of Theatre, University of Ottawa, author
of The Dancing Word.