August 10-18
Winchester UK (Sparsholt College)
Week Two Aug. 15-18 (Four Days) Three Masters, Three Styles: Chen, Yang & Wu Taijiquan
Masters Gianfranco Pace, Sam Masich, & Paul Silfverstråle
Taijiquan reached the West in the 1940s and in the past 85 years has grown greatly in its popularity. As a result many 'homegrown masters' have emerged. Explore the 'universal taijiquan' with three of today’s most dedicated and skilled experts. Coming from Italy, Canada, and Sweden, Gianfranco, Sam, and Paul will share practices and insights into the three major styles of taijiquan. Special presentation—Taijiquan: Journey to the West—describing the history of the art's movement from China to the rest of the world.
Paul Silfverstrale is a Swedish martial arts teacher, acupuncturist and naturalist (not naturist!). After ten years of training in Kyokushinkai karate he started practicing Wudang Practical Tai Chi Chuan in 1998 under the guidance of Dan Docherty. With Dan´s introduction, he resided and studied in Malaysia and Singapore and trained with other masters of the Hong Kong Wu-lineage. After 20 years of practice Paul was appointed Level 9 – “Principal Instructor” in Wudang Practical Tai Chi Chuan International. During the years he expanded his experience under Bapak Wilhelm de Thouars’ in Kuntao Silat and the system of Feldenkrais - "awareness through movement". He has won many Tuishou, Forms and Sanshou tournaments, and has coached several champions including coaching the Swedish national team. Paul´s focus lies in the integration on the practicality of Forms, Pushing Hands, drills and concepts within his style of Tai Chi Chuan, from a movement health and martial perspective.
Register now to show your intention to attend. A 25% non-refundable deposit is required to secure your place, payable by April 15th 2024; you will receive an email with payment details after you register.
A request for your outstanding balance will be made on July 31st 2024 (residential bookings close on June 30th).
The 5 Section Taijiquan Masterclass can be attended as an 'all-in' event, which includes fees, single-occupancy en-suite accommodation and all meals (arrive on Friday evening). Bookings close on June 30th.
The 3 Masters 3 Styles workshop can be attended as an 'all-in' event, which includes fees, accommodation and all meals (arrive on Wednesday evening). Bookings close on June 30th.
Both events can also be attended on a day-rate basis, which includes attendance, lunch, and dinner. Bookings close on July 12th.
Sparsholt College is located just outside the ancient cathedral city of Winchester, U.K., in the middle of a picturesque rural landscape. It is easily accessible from several main airports. The college provides high-quality ensuite student-style accommodation and excellent on-site catering, and is the perfect residential venue with wonderful views and fantastic flexible spaces. See the facility
The 5 Section Taijiquan Program has been adopted by taijiquan schools around the world. Designed to be flexible and fun, this modular program meets the needs of contemporary recreational taijiquan groups and prepares more committed students for traditional full-curriculum taijiquan training.
• 5 Section Masterclass (August 10-13) 4-nights residential £650 (Check-in from 4pm Aug. 9)
• 3 Masters 3 Styles (August 15-18) 4-nights residential £650 (Check-in from 4pm Aug. 14)
• All Events (August 10-18) 9-nights residential £1250
• 5 Section Masterclass (August 10-13) 4-days non-residential £385
• 3 Masters 3 Styles (August 15-18) 4-days non-residential £385
• All Events (August 10-18) 8-days non-residential £735
Lunch and dinner is included for day attendees
See registration form for full cost details
Contact: Patrick Foley patrick@5-section-taijiquan.co.uk
Location: Sparsholt College, Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2NF, U.K. MAP