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Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

October 01- November 30

      Taijiquan 37 Essential Forms 
(Sanshiqi Danshi Lianfa 三十七單式練法)

with Javier Arnanz


In this class we begin study of traditional Yang-style Taijiquan principles, push-hands, and application through the the ‘37 Essential Forms of Taijiquan.’

In his 1931 book, 'Taijiquan Method and Application' Master Yang Chengfu (1883-1936) described thirty-seven core forms. After listing all the forms within the long form he states, "The full sequence is comprised entirely of thirty-seven distinct forms,” and contends that these are essential to an understanding of

Yang-style Taijiquan and it’s martial application.

Javier Arnanz is from Madrid, Spain and is an 'Indoor student' (tudi 徒弟) of Master Sam Masich and the Internal Arts Method. He trains and teaches the internal arts for health, meditation and martial application. 


Due to COVID-19 concerns, this workshop will respect ‘social distancing’ and mask wearing if necessary and some course content may be modified. Although we will studying partner application concepts, the practices may be undertaken as solo exercises or with an implement depending on current legal safety guidelines.


Horaire / Times:                     Vendredi soir (Fri. eve): 19h00 à 22h00
                                             Samedi ou Dimanche (Sat or Sun): 10h00 à 17h00

Frais / Cost:                            Vendredi soir (Fri. eve) seulement: $50                                             

                                             Samedi ou Dimanche  seulement: $130   

                                             Samedi et Dimanche (Sat and Sun): $250
                                             Fin de semaine (whole weekend): $275     

localisation / Location:            Friday evening and Saturday morning: Centre de tai chi Gilles-Vaillant, 109 rue Wright, Gatineau, Québec 

                                             Saturday Afternoon and Sunday: Centre communautaire Saint-Raymond, 99 Boulevard Saint-Raymond, angle Archambault,                                                       Gatineau, Québec J8Y 1S8 (Sortie Boulevard Saint- Raymond/Pontiac sur Autoroute 5 Nord à Gatineau)
Pré-enregistrement / Contact:  Réal Lalande 

                                             (819) 778-0147 

                                              Jacques Michaud 

                                             (819) 772-4769


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