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Brighton, UK
January 24-26
Traditional Yang-style Taijiquan Push Hands Curriculum #2 楊式太極推手
Eight disc-framed fixed-step Push-hands (the '1-8')
with Sam Masich

Göttingen, Germany
September 26-27
Deutschland Taiji Projekt 2020 Trainingstreffen #3
Die 37 wesentlichen Formen des Taijiquan
with Yanira Masich

Vancouver, Canada
July 18-21
Vancouver 23th Push Hands -Four Day Camp-
Pathways through the curriculum
with Sam Masich

Gatineau, Quebec, Ca.
May 22-24
Pathways through the curriculum
with Sam Masich
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Yang-style Taijiquan 'Eight Pieces of Brocade' (Baduanjin) Part II
Yang-shi Taijiquan Baduanjin 楊式太極拳八段錦
with Master Sam Masich
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