Materials for Course Participants
This page contains links to handouts and videos from the
Wuduanjin 5 Section Brocade: Level One
Core Principles studies
Master Sam Masich
Session One (Apr. 22)
Warm up & Section One: The Spine
In this first session, we look at:
1. Introduction
2. Five Words of Self Composure
3. Section 1: The Spine
This is an unedited reference video for course participants only.
Please do not share.
Session Two (May. 6)
Section Two: The Arms
Section Three: The Legs
In this second session, we look at:
1. Warm up with Five Words of Self Composure
2. Section 2: The Arms
3. Section 3: The Legs
This is an unedited reference video for course participants only.
Please do not share.
Session Three (May. 20)
Section Four: Peng, Lü, Ji, An
Section Five: 5 Words Neigong
In this third session, we look at:
1. Warm up with Five Words of Self Composure
2. Section 4: Peng, Lü, Ji, An
3. Section 5: 5 Words Neigong
This is an unedited reference video for course participants only.
Please do not share.