Berlin, Germany
December 7-9
The Taijiquan Classics: Part Two (of three)
In this second of three workshops we will continue exploring the five core Taijiquan Classics—the ‘Taijiquan Classic,’ the ‘Taijiquan Treatise,’ the ‘Thirteen Power Song,’ the ‘Thirteen Power Circulation and Cultivation Transmission,’ and the ‘Sparring Hands Song.’ During the series we will study the themes in these time honoured writings and apply them to taijiquan solo and partner practices.
Times: 10.00-17.30 Sat. & Sun. (13.00-15.00 break) Friday 19:00-21:00
Cost: 175€
Location: Erich-Muellerstr. 12 Berlin, Lichtenberg (Rummelsburger Bucht)
Contact: Yanira Masich
+49 (0)171 1105866
Bank Transfer Information:
Name: Samuel Masich
Bank: Commerz Bank
Account/Konto: 0447113100
IBAN: DE89 1008 0000 0447 1131 00