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Invorio, Lago Maggiore, Italy

November 21-22

Yang-style Taijiquan 'Eight Pieces of Brocade' (Baduanjin) Part II
Yang-shi Taijiquan Baduanjin 楊式太極拳八段錦

with Master Sam Masich


Taijiquan is often described as 'meditation in movement' but meditative and energetic aspects of the art often take a back seat to outer form. Learning this type of 'Taiji Neigong/Qigong' will transform your understanding of the art and add depth to your practice.
Fragments of the Yang-style Taijiquan 'Eight Pieces of Brocade' (Baduanjin) have been passed down through various sources but it is not common to find instruction in the entire set. The material was considered by early Yang masters to be an essential part of internal training. While parts of this neigong practice have appeared in print, for example in Chen Yanlin's 1943 book 'Taiji Boxing, Sabre, Sword, Pole, Sparring Compiled', to date there is no full rendering of a Yang 'Eight Pieces of Brocade' in English.


Due to COVID-19 concerns, this workshop will be done at a ‘social distance.’ The practices will be solo or with an implement

(unless otherwise allowed by legal safety guidelines).

Times:    Saturday 10:00-14:00 and 16:00-18:30.

             Sunday 10:00-13:00 and 15:00-17:00
Cost:      Full weekend €195 (€150 se confermato entro il 15 ottobre con acconto di

             €100—€195 if confirmed before October 15sth with a €100 deposit).

Location: Via Vergante 49 (between Lago Maggiore and Lago d'Orta)
Contact:  Chiara Vendettuoli     


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