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Vancouver, Canada

July 21-24 (Four Day Camp)

Push Hands Camp I

Yang-style Taijiquan 88 Sanshou

Four Days of Partner Training!

with Sam & Yanira Masich


The 88 movement Yang-style Taijiquan sanshou (sparring) routine is the bridge between push hands and taijiquan free sparring. The sequence is long and graceful, with an emphasis on correct positioning an sensitive listening. Part of the traditional Yang-style Taijiquan curriculum, the '88' represents for many taiji players the highest point of the art in terms of training routines.

Upon completion of the full course students will receive a certificate acknowledging the training.

Times:     10am-5:30pm
Cost:       $650 / Push Hands Camp I & II together $1050

Location: TROUT LAKE (We will meet at the south end of Trout Lake, just south of the beach. Trout Lake is centrally located in East Vancouver,

              just two blocks east of Commercial Drive. You can get there by SkyTrain (Commercial Station) or by several bus-routes, including

              the 99 B-line from UBC.
Contact:   Michael Blackburn 


              (778) 228-3500 

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